Friday, June 24, 2011

"No He Can't" By Kevin McCullough

"My professional life is entangled with that of a man I've never met."
The opening words to the introduction of "No He Can't". I could almost grovel at this authors feet. I knew going into this book that it would be a bit dry. I thought, "It might have a few good points but mostly I want to read about all the evil things Obama has done." (I've never liked this Obama guy.) But when I read what Kevin McCullough uncovered about Obama, it nearly made me sick. All the things that an upright Christian like myself stand for, he's against or has something to say about it. I was astounded at the things I read. Like this paragraph in the introduction;

Obama supported late-term abortions, also properly referred to as partial-birth abortions. But even that was not enough.
When the issue was brought to vote of whether or not unwanted disabled children who had been born despite abortion procedures should be allowed to die from starvations, neglect, and lack of medical care, Barack Obama became the only federally elected officeholder to have ever voted in favor of allowing those children to die.

But I won't give away ALL the good parts. Though in some spots this book was indeed a little dry, I think it might better be suited for adults or someone particularly interested in polictics. Just because I'm not highly educated in that sort of thing, sometimes it's a little over my head. But overall, I really like this book and would reccomend it to someone who wants to learn about all the dirty secrets and underlying lies the government tries to tell us.

I got this book from BookSneeze. It's FREE and you don't have to give any personal information except an email address and name. If you want books for FREE then go there-just write a blog post about it and they let you keep it.

Did I mention it's free?