Thursday, November 11, 2010

A World Inside a World....

Books are half of my world. I love them. Because you can be a fearless knight riding the back of a loyal steed. Or a dainty princess to which that knight is saving. A book can take you into the future, back in the past, and wrap you into another world, all from one standpoint. 
I personally like horse books. Anything to do with horses, I'm there. But I don't believe that we can have just one favorite book. Lest I only read one book in my life. 
I had somebody ask me about a Amish book I was reading. He asked me how long it would take me to read the 37 chapter book, and my reply absolutely astonished him. I said, "Uhm..About two days, maybe less." 
As you can tell, I love to read. I'll sit out in the barn with my horses and read. And I oft wish I could stay there forever. Until someone presents me with a saddle, and then I might just leave.

I'm getting a new book today, "The Thorn" by Beverly Lewis. One of my favorite writers. Hers are simply easy reads, yet they give you such insight to another world so different than our own. 
I have flipped through this book previously and liked what I saw. So I am getting it from the library today, and will be one happy camper.
Another book on the agenda, "Hold Still" by Nina LaCour. I'm uncertain if I am actually going to read this, because it be a trifle too worldly for me(hince, I saw some things I didn't like in it while browsing at Sam's). I may just have to skip it, but since its a rented book, it won't cost me anything, so long as I get it back on time.

So now I will coax you to comment on this, and please keep coming back. Have a beautifully blossoming day in the world of books, and come again for a review of the two books I mentioned previously! 

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