Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sacrafice-Beverly Lewis

Hello once again!
I have finished 'The Sacrifice'! A very astounding read!
I was blown away at the thrill of this book!
Ok, some things to think about!
  • Why did Ida choose Leah to raise her children?
I believe Leah had always been her trusted child, even though, if you remember, she is her niece!
  • Smithy Gid, yes or no?
YES! Now that Jonas had been gone for a long while, I think Smithy Gid was a perfect match for them!
  • WHAT?! Hannah and Smithy Gid!? NO WAY! I dont think so! :(
I for one was VERY dispointed that Hannah married Gid. What about you?
Why do you think Lewis chose that path?
  • HAAH! I TOLD you that Jonas didn't marry Sadie!
Were you as surprised that Sadie said she married a Harvey instead of Jonas? I knew it was never to be true, and the whole book I had my heart set on Jonas NOT marrying Sadie. And I was right!
  • Did you feel bad for Sadie just birthing stillborns?
Eh...Yeah, but I'm still mad at Sadie so I am not to speak :)
  • Are you still mad at Sadie for what she did, throwing away Leah's letters?
I'm sorry. This may seem harsh and heartless, but yes, I still am and I don't think she should even have come back! She was stupid in the first place to go with Derry, not to mention get pregnant! THEN she stole Jonas, which they 'just dated' (bologna!) and then let him leave! And she never told him the truth. I for one think she's a terrible character.
  • What do you think will become of the next book?
'The Prodigal' is going to be exciting! I can't wait!

Check back here for more reviews of other books, and I will be soon posting about 'The Prodigal'!

Over and Out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Betrayal by Beverly Lewis

I just finished 'The Betrayal', and I can hardly pull my chin back up.
It was so riveting, that right there when I finished it in the nail salon, I snatched up 'The Sacrafice' and started devouring that as well!
So good to me is our library. I'm sure I'm their biggest customer so to speak. (I as well have the most fines..oops!)
I could scarcely put 'The Betrayal' down after I started it. It was so exciting, but so sad as well.
I will say a few spoiler things in here so be aware :)
1. At the very end, I really started to dislike Sadie. So much.

2. I solely believe that Jonas Mast is made for Leah. And no, I don't think he married Sadie, though I could be wrong..Dear I hope I'm not!

3. After all that had happened, yes, I like Gid Peachey, no, he's not supposed to be Leah's husband.

Some things to look for in the next book;
  •  Did Sadie's baby live? In all of 'The Betrayal', it never goes to Dr. Schwartz view again, so it's quite vauge as to what happens.
  • Mary Ruth works at the Nolts place, they have a new adopted baby, could it be?
Just some questions to ask yourself about 'The Betrayal';
  • Do you think Sadie is to blame for the outcome of the ending of this book? Why?
  • What about Smithy Gid, you like him don't you? Is he good enough for Leah to wed?
  • Is Jonas Mast mature enough to marry Leah?
  • By reading the end of this book, do you think Sadie and Jonas married?
Leave your answers in the comment box below!

So all in all I can't read fast enough! I'm flying through these books, but when I come to the end...

I need to read my other books that I got at the library, but nothing can hold my attention so good as these!

Comment and Follow!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In the middle...

A quick update....I'm in the middle of "The Betrayal" by Beverly Lewis.
I love it! very good book and I'm about to burst about it! :)
Farewell for now!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Abrams Daughters Bk1, The Covenant-Beverly Lewis

Another wonderful book! I really liked this one.
Leah was a beautiful character, Lewis showed her beauty, strength and heart very well in this book.
Her blossoming from the tomboy she used to be into the young woman she is now was depicted very well. Leah loves one, but is loved by two, now what to do? You almost feel bad for the boy who loves her without saying anything.
Personally, I'm still at a loss for who I liked better, Smithy Gid or Jonas Mast.
Ach! It's so confusing! :)
The only bad part I could pick out of this was the beginning. I almost didn't read this one because the first five chapters still felt like an intro. Maybe it was. She described everything in very minute details, which at times was annoying, but once you get into the heart of the story, ya can't put it down!!
I always enjoy Lewis' way of incorporating the Pennsylvania dutch into it as well, such as wonderful-gut, ferhoodled, and so on. I know I've certainly picked up using these words since I read her books.
I'm looking forward to the next book in the Abrams Daughters series, The Betrayal, which you most certainly will be hearing a review from that one as well :)
I haven't finished my other books, "The golden filly" series because I couldn't put down The Covenant. Should I feel bad about that? I'm uncertain at this point.
Either way, comment below and lemme know!

Over and out!

Friday, December 10, 2010

The Choice-Suzanne Woods Fisher

Carrie Weaver is a young Amish woman with high hopes for love. Her hopes are stamped to bits when Solomon Rhiel, the only man she's ever really loved, leaves. So what to do? Lots of heart wrenching, pain staking decisions are wrapped up in this book.
Fisher shows amazing devotion to family as well. Carrie is devoted to her husband, father, brother and sister.
She finds friends in remarkable people, and makes enemies in some not-so-remarkable people.
This is all in all a wonderful-gut book and I can't wait to read Fishers second book, The Waiting. Which I will promptly put a hold on. It's currently at our library "in process". i.e, taking way too long to put on three stickers, two stamps and send it up the the first floor. Nevertheless, I will wait patiently, twiddling my thumbs, or instead, I'll read another book. Say, "The Covenant", by Beverly Lewis? Sure...

Have fun reading this book and another review soon!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Golden Filly Series-Lauraine Snelling

Sorry, I haven't written in a while because I haven't been reading very much. Gasp!
I know! :)
I've mostly been reading the series "The Golden Filly". They are great books, very clean, and are good for any age!
They are about horses(:)), a daily struggle as a Christian, especially because her dad has lung cancer. At times Tricia "Trish" Evanston feels like God has taken a leave of absence, but through faith, she makes it through the inevitable.
I highly recommend these books for girls :)
Very great series.

I am waiting on a book titled "The Choice" (another Amish based book) by Suzanne Woods Fisher.
I don't know much about it, but I'm waiting for it to come to me via library ;)

Thanks for reading! Follow, Comment and Suggest to you're friends!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Shadows of Lancaster County-Mindy Starns Clark

Hello there! I'm back from a seperate world!
This time from the depths of mystery, as I explore the world of Anna Bailey in 'The Shadows of Lancaster County'.

This story was clean, thrilling, a little confusing sometimes, but otherwise very, very good. I was hooked the instant I read the first sentence.
Clark threw in a sprinkling of love, a tablespoon of mystery, and two teaspoons of heartache.
Anna Bailey has just settled into a new life, really feeling like she fits into her Californian life, when her brother turns up missing.
Anna's sister-in-law is frantic and seeks her help as a skip-tracer, so Anna embarks on a quest to Pennsylvania to follow her missing brothers paper trail, and eventually, to find him.
She uncovers stuff from her past, and at the same time for her future.
You'll read through all 47 chapters and not put it down once!
So go for it! And let me know in the comments box how you liked it!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

"The Secret" by Beverly Lewis

Grace Byler struck me as a likable person. With the back drop of Lancaster County, the familiar Pennsylvanian Dutch language and Amish folk to wrap it up, it was a good book.
This one was, in my opinion, like a ball of variegated yarn. It just had to unwind itself, changing and, in the end, it turned out to be a suspenseful, interesting book.
It is the prequel to "The Missing", which I have yet to read, unfortunately.

Without giving away too much, I will just say this;
The untimely disappearance of Grace's Mamm, and the hush-hush conversation between Graces aunts, speaking about Lettie's old beau has her attention immediately. And it holds yours as well. Going between several points of views, including Lettie Byler, Heather Nelson(who is terminally ill) Mammi Adah Esh, Judah Byler and Grace Byler. 
This was a riveting book and I recommend it!
So go check it out!

The Thorn, by Beverly Lewis

All I have to say about this book is wow. No, I take that back, this book was absolutely devastatingly good!
The way Lewis depicts Rose Ann's feelings, the way she lays out Hen's struggles... This was amazing.
I won't give away too much, but the very end of chapter 36 was ever so heart wrenching.
Partly because you are torn between liking Nick Franco and Silas Good, trying to decide which should be for Rose. And she clearly knows which one she loves, but she can't give heed to that all the same.

This book was filled with forbidden love, heartache, confusion and change. Some change for the better, and some only the readers could chose whether it was a good thing or not.

I totally recommend this book. Absolutely 100% certain that this book is at the top of my list of favorites!
I absolutely cannot wait till April '11 gets here and "The Judgment", book two in The Rose Trilogy makes it premiere. I will certainly buy the first copy I can get my hands on!

I gave "The Thorn" 5 stars, by far!

Well, now I'm off to read another book, and I will be posting my review for that as well.

Until next time!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A World Inside a World....

Books are half of my world. I love them. Because you can be a fearless knight riding the back of a loyal steed. Or a dainty princess to which that knight is saving. A book can take you into the future, back in the past, and wrap you into another world, all from one standpoint. 
I personally like horse books. Anything to do with horses, I'm there. But I don't believe that we can have just one favorite book. Lest I only read one book in my life. 
I had somebody ask me about a Amish book I was reading. He asked me how long it would take me to read the 37 chapter book, and my reply absolutely astonished him. I said, "Uhm..About two days, maybe less." 
As you can tell, I love to read. I'll sit out in the barn with my horses and read. And I oft wish I could stay there forever. Until someone presents me with a saddle, and then I might just leave.

I'm getting a new book today, "The Thorn" by Beverly Lewis. One of my favorite writers. Hers are simply easy reads, yet they give you such insight to another world so different than our own. 
I have flipped through this book previously and liked what I saw. So I am getting it from the library today, and will be one happy camper.
Another book on the agenda, "Hold Still" by Nina LaCour. I'm uncertain if I am actually going to read this, because it be a trifle too worldly for me(hince, I saw some things I didn't like in it while browsing at Sam's). I may just have to skip it, but since its a rented book, it won't cost me anything, so long as I get it back on time.

So now I will coax you to comment on this, and please keep coming back. Have a beautifully blossoming day in the world of books, and come again for a review of the two books I mentioned previously!