Friday, December 17, 2010

The Betrayal by Beverly Lewis

I just finished 'The Betrayal', and I can hardly pull my chin back up.
It was so riveting, that right there when I finished it in the nail salon, I snatched up 'The Sacrafice' and started devouring that as well!
So good to me is our library. I'm sure I'm their biggest customer so to speak. (I as well have the most fines..oops!)
I could scarcely put 'The Betrayal' down after I started it. It was so exciting, but so sad as well.
I will say a few spoiler things in here so be aware :)
1. At the very end, I really started to dislike Sadie. So much.

2. I solely believe that Jonas Mast is made for Leah. And no, I don't think he married Sadie, though I could be wrong..Dear I hope I'm not!

3. After all that had happened, yes, I like Gid Peachey, no, he's not supposed to be Leah's husband.

Some things to look for in the next book;
  •  Did Sadie's baby live? In all of 'The Betrayal', it never goes to Dr. Schwartz view again, so it's quite vauge as to what happens.
  • Mary Ruth works at the Nolts place, they have a new adopted baby, could it be?
Just some questions to ask yourself about 'The Betrayal';
  • Do you think Sadie is to blame for the outcome of the ending of this book? Why?
  • What about Smithy Gid, you like him don't you? Is he good enough for Leah to wed?
  • Is Jonas Mast mature enough to marry Leah?
  • By reading the end of this book, do you think Sadie and Jonas married?
Leave your answers in the comment box below!

So all in all I can't read fast enough! I'm flying through these books, but when I come to the end...

I need to read my other books that I got at the library, but nothing can hold my attention so good as these!

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