Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Sacrafice-Beverly Lewis

Hello once again!
I have finished 'The Sacrifice'! A very astounding read!
I was blown away at the thrill of this book!
Ok, some things to think about!
  • Why did Ida choose Leah to raise her children?
I believe Leah had always been her trusted child, even though, if you remember, she is her niece!
  • Smithy Gid, yes or no?
YES! Now that Jonas had been gone for a long while, I think Smithy Gid was a perfect match for them!
  • WHAT?! Hannah and Smithy Gid!? NO WAY! I dont think so! :(
I for one was VERY dispointed that Hannah married Gid. What about you?
Why do you think Lewis chose that path?
  • HAAH! I TOLD you that Jonas didn't marry Sadie!
Were you as surprised that Sadie said she married a Harvey instead of Jonas? I knew it was never to be true, and the whole book I had my heart set on Jonas NOT marrying Sadie. And I was right!
  • Did you feel bad for Sadie just birthing stillborns?
Eh...Yeah, but I'm still mad at Sadie so I am not to speak :)
  • Are you still mad at Sadie for what she did, throwing away Leah's letters?
I'm sorry. This may seem harsh and heartless, but yes, I still am and I don't think she should even have come back! She was stupid in the first place to go with Derry, not to mention get pregnant! THEN she stole Jonas, which they 'just dated' (bologna!) and then let him leave! And she never told him the truth. I for one think she's a terrible character.
  • What do you think will become of the next book?
'The Prodigal' is going to be exciting! I can't wait!

Check back here for more reviews of other books, and I will be soon posting about 'The Prodigal'!

Over and Out!


Alexandria Buller said...

I've read some Amish books, and they were pretty good. They're by Beverly Lewis, the series is called "Annie's People". I liked them (as far as my liking for fiction books goes, besides Jane Austen and Wayne Thomas Batson {and Christopher Hopper}). :)

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a very good book! But, unfortunately, I am overloaded with books at the moment, so I cannot read it. I am reading a six book series... each like more than three hundred pages, another unfinished series of two books, and MORE!! I am a fast reader, but that book will have to wait a LONG time to be read. :P :P :P

Jordyn said...

sorry didn't get back to you quicker, they didnt tell me i had comments! hahh
very interesting beth!
I havent read very many of those books alex( by the authors you speak of) except for jane austin :)